


LongLook Consulting, LLC is a service-disabled-veteran owned small business founded in 2009. We have long been in the risk management/risk mitigation business providing discreet, asymmetric technical and small market logistic solutions to our clients. More recently, we have leveraged our skills to offer IT services, ranging from systems administration to custom software solutions.

Our Services


Technical Expertise, Human Interaction

No matter the size of your organization, operating in today's world means managing a digital footprint. Whether you need someone to troubleshoot issues with your wifi network or to run diagnostics on your server farm, our team has the tools and the experience to keep your workspace running.

Whether you have an IT team already or need someone to be your go-to tech person, we can make sure you have the tools you need, even if that means simply advising on the best tools for you.

Most importantly, we pride ourselves on being experts in our field so you don't have to be; we won't bury you in tech jargon, and we'll tailor any plans to YOUR specific needs.

  • Systems Administration
    • Updates/Patches
    • Issue Troubleshooting
    • System Replacement/Deployment
  • Infrastructure Configuration
    • Cloud (AWS, Azure, etc.)
    • Managed Hardware
    • Global Network of Providers


Custom Solutions for YOU

When it comes to software, those without their own development teams often feel overwhelmed - we don't think that should be the case. Beyond traditional IT services, we have experience in software development and are always excited to offer that service to clients of any size.

Whether you have an existing website or need a whole new one, we can make sure you have an online presence to be proud of. We are also big fans of automation - whether you are a freelancer or a Fortune 500 company, there are ways to pass some monotonous work off to the robots and free you up to take that afternoon stroll you deserve.

Most importantly, we think custom software should be available to anyone, so we have flexible payment plans (we like to work on a revolving retainer, but will happily negotiate a project-based price as well) and we will NEVER leave you without something usable for your money.

  • Custom Solutions
    • Web, Desktop, Mobile Applications
    • REST API Development
    • Process Automation
    • Database Management
    • Cloud-Native Development
  • CMS Software (WordPress, etc.)
    • Simple, Fast Setup
    • Content is User-Updatable
  • Maintaining Existing Software
    • Troubleshooting
    • Updates
    • New Features


Put Yourself Out There

They say that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, and that might be good advice, but we still can't help being drawn in by a flashy design, can we? Let us make sure that your business catches the eye of your target market with our wide offering of marketing services. We can update what you have to keep it fresh, create new designs in the same vein of your existing media, or create an entirely new aesthetic that will make your business pop. New business cards, an ecommerce shop, banners - we can make it for you, and we'll make sure it looks good.

  • Graphic Design
  • Brand Management
  • Digital Ad Spaces
    • Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Traditional Ad SPaces
    • TV, Print, etc.
  • SEO/SEM Optimization
  • Managed Mailing Lists
  • Analytics/Reporting
  • E-Commerce


Get Your Work Done, Securely

Our most established line of business, we have been helping our clients to go securely about their work for more than a decade. Let us help your business get what it needs and do what it needs to do - our team can help with small-market logistics and business intelligence that will keep you operating efficiently. Our staff has extensive experience in the risk management arena, and we are more than prepared to help you identify security risks in your line of work so they can be mitigated, if not entirely avoided. Whether we can help your organization through personnel training, auditing, or continual profile management, you can operate confidently knowing that we have your back.

  • Risk Mitigation/Management
  • Profile Reduction
  • Corporate Security
  • Logistics

Who Are You?

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